Bloomz Blog


4 Must-Have Features in a School Communication Platform

by Nathan Resick, on Jul 8, 2024 2:07:28 PM

A lot of schools and districts end up with two or three communications platforms, perhaps one for messaging and another for PBIS. It’s not at all uncommon for parents with children of different ages to have to manage (juggle) multiple apps when schools will have different ages using different apps. Is it time to upgrade to one comprehensive and complete solution? Here are five features every school communication platform should have:

Auto Translation Tools

translate-smallerClassroom communication apps have become essential tools for schools with high immigrant populations, enabling language translation and effective communication with immigrant parents. Comprehensive communication apps should feature language translation capabilities, allowing teachers and staff to connect seamlessly with parents who may not speak English fluently. This technology breaks down language barriers, ensuring parents are actively engaged and well-informed about their child's education.

Teachers utilize these apps to share crucial announcements, newsletters, and personalized messages with parents in their preferred language. By offering these translation services, schools can nurture a stronger bond between teachers and immigrant parents, ultimately enhancing student engagement and support. Parents also benefit from these apps by expressing concerns, posing questions, or sharing information about their child's educational requirements directly with teachers or school administrators.

PBIS Behavior Management

Facilitate a constructive school environment by emphasizing positive behavior over solely addressing negative behavior. Through PBIS, educators and school leaders establish clear behavioral expectations and actively acknowledge and reinforce positive conduct. The implementation of PBIS has shown various benefits for students:

  • Enhanced Student Behavior: PBIS has proven effective in reducing disciplinary referrals and enhancing overall school safety.
  • Schools incorporating PBIS witness a notable 50-70% decline in disciplinary referrals.
  • Research indicates that institutions applying PBIS report fewer instances of disruptive behavior and increased positive interactions between students and staff members.

Direct and Group Messaging

parent-phone-1Bloomz makes it simple to directly msg between parents and teachers, between students and teachers,and between principals and teachers. The end result is the parents are better informed about what is going on in their students' lives, and they are more connected to the educational process and more apt to get directly involved in activities like parent-teacher conferences. 

Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups

Bloomz's parent-teacher conference signup tool simplifies the process and enhances participation by offering easy setup features. Users can set dates, start/end times, conference durations, and even include breaks or transition times, with Bloomz automatically generating signup slots for parents/students. The tool ensures privacy by allowing only the organizer access to signups and offers flexibility by enabling multiple signups for the same slot or for various groups.

Additionally, Bloomz facilitates signups and attendance tracking through reminders sent to parents/students and allows organizers to manage signups on behalf of their classroom/group. Users can also quickly print schedules to prepare for conferences, ensuring a seamless and organized experience for welcoming parents and students.