Bloomz Blog


Bloomz Is for High School Too!

by Laura Briggs, on Sep 7, 2018 11:19:32 AM


Portrait of happy students in library

By Celeste Payne

A couple of years ago, I came across Bloomz. I was intrigued by the app’s capability of communicating with parents of my students.  I teach high school biology and chemistry.  I work at a boarding school so I don’t meet all of the parents of the students that I teach.  Since many live far from the school, they are eager for news about what their children are doing.

I use Bloomz to send weekly updates about each of my classes.  It’s a brief message with a forecast of the upcoming week.  I share what students will be learning along with the lab that they will complete.  This year, I may include a photograph with the message.

I typically write these messages Friday afternoon before leaving for the day.  But I use one of the great features of Bloomz, scheduling.  I schedule my messages to be sent early Sunday afternoon. It’s a great way to proactively communicate with parents, keeps them connected to what their children are doing in school, and allows all parents to feel connected even if their children are doing well.  Several parents have shared with me that they appreciate the messages.

Bloomz is easy to use, saves me time, and helps me to stay connected with parents.  It’s a win-win-win!


cpayne photoCeleste is a high school biology and chemistry teacher in Pennsylvania.  She has taught for over twenty years.  She has used Bloomz for three years to stay in contact with parents. Celeste is an active Bloomz Ambassador.
