Bloomz Blog


Five Feedback Tips for Student Portfolios

by Brianna Richard, on Mar 17, 2021 5:06:24 PM

Online student portfolios are the new normal when it comes to turning in work. Using Bloomz portfolios is the most efficient way to receive work from students. So many schools are toggling back and forth between in-person and distance learning and portfolios keep student work consistent and organized. But what kinds of comments should teachers leave on student work? Here are five kinds of feedback to leave on portfolios that you can use today.



Feedback should always be meaningful and highlight an example of something students did well. Students who have worked hard to complete assignments and comments should be praised for their hard work. Although it may be easier to write generic comments, meaningful ones that touch on the specifics encourages students to do their best in the future. If you notice a student who regularly forgets capital letters and remembered them on their most recent writing assignment, highlight that! That meaningful feedback may resonate with them and they will remember capital letters again.

Stay away from “Good Job”

This one goes hand in hand with keeping things meaningful. The phrase, “good job,” is one we all use while in overdrive it probably comes out a little too much. While this kind of comment comes from a good place, there is a better way to praise our students. Be specific in your feedback and highlight examples of things the student did well. When we stay away from comments like, “good job,” and stay specific we are actually encouraging students instead of just praising them.

Constructive Feedback

Every assignment has at least one area that could use some improvement. Leaving feedback that is constructive serves a purpose and isn’t meant to make students feel bad. Constructive feedback should give students something to work on or an area that needs improvement.

Keep it Clear

When leaving student feedback, keep instructions clear! Avoid vague suggestions that might make things even more confusing. It is okay to kindly leave feedback in a clear and blunt way. Instead of leaving a list of things that students can improve on, just pick one or two. Less is more and will make it easier for students to follow.


All teachers have received an assignment that is totally off the mark. It happens sometimes no matter how many examples are given and questions are answered. Regardless of the quality of the work, comments should always have a positive spin. Even if a student got everything wrong, their effort can be praised.

Grading can be tiresome and tough, but hopefully, some of these suggestions inspired the kind of feedback that students need and want on their portfolios. So good luck and get grading!

* Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Topics:PortfoliosStudent PortfoliosAssessmentsStudent Timelines