Post Your Teacher Wish List on Bloomz
by Jude Miqueli, on Jul 26, 2017 8:10:32 PM
What if money wasn't a thing? What if you could ask for anything to improve your teaching and classroom experience? Each year teachers send home a school supply list. This list is generally decided on by a teacher team, limited in money, and approved by the school. Something teachers can do to upgrade their classroom is to post a wish list of items that they'd like for parents to donate. Teachers might ask for inexpensive supplies like dry erase markers or more pricey necessities like an electric pencil sharpener.

Something that is on my dream wish list is lighting. To avoid headaches from the fluorescent overhead lights I would love a few lamps for around our classroom. Also, an official adult size teacher desk would be super sweet! Right now my classroom comes equipped with a junior size old wooden desk sans drawers. I'm putting this on my ultimate teacher wish list! One can dream right?
There are TONS of ideas for wish list items on Pinterest. In the past teachers have created a display at orientation for parents to view their wish lists.
These displays are cute and engaging but what about the parents/guardians who are working and do not get the chance to attend orientation? In order to reach all families teachers should create a wish list on Bloomz. It is simple to do with a few clicks. From your home screen click "Create" and then "Volunteer Help".
When parents click on an item it signs them up and displays that information on the App. Other parents can see who is signing up which encourages participation. This method supersedes the old take a paper apple cut-out home which is prone to being lost, forgotten, or discarded. With the Bloomz volunteer sign-up tool, if a parent realizes they can't obtain an item after they sign up, they can always take their name off the sign-up and leave it for someone else.
Post your wish list before orientation and who knows, your wishes may come true ahead of the new school year! What will YOU put on your wish list?
Please let us know in the comment section below.