Bloomz Blog


by Bloomz, on Feb 8, 2016 12:34:17 PM

Alright. You found this amazing communication tool to help with parent communication. You sit down and create your class. You find the perfect picture of yourself, and the perfect cover …

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Topics:parent communicationOrganizeParental EngagementtipNotificationsteacherCommunity Supportclassroom communityStrategiesTXTTips & Trickstime savingparent

by Bloomz, on Dec 1, 2015 8:47:36 PM

User Question- Why am I getting “connection requests” from people on Bloomz? What does that do? I hear this question a lot from both teachers and parents. Most of the …

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Topics:OrganizeGroupssocial mediavolunteersNotificationsCommunity Supportemaileventsclassroom communityStrategieseducationTips & Tricksparent

by Bloomz, on Sep 3, 2015 3:19:17 PM

A new year of school has started…. a new set of kiddos, a new set of routines and expectations, a new set of parents, and a new set of headaches …

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Topics:parent communicationtipclassroom communityStrategiesTips & Trickstime saving

by Bloomz, on Jul 21, 2015 3:00:43 AM

User Question- "I am new to Bloomz, but I don't have an invitation code. Can I still sign up for an account?" In short: Yes. When you click on "I'm …

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Topics:tipStrategieseducationTips & Trickstime saving

by Bloomz, on Jun 29, 2015 2:40:49 PM

Being a teacher, I like to organize…. my classroom. The more color coded I can be- the better. I love matching baskets. I freak out over the dollar section at …

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Topics:tipTeacher appteacherCommunity Supporteventsclassroom communityStrategiesTips & Trickstime saving

by Bloomz, on Jun 15, 2015 1:09:26 PM

Let’s face it. Humans love information. It helps us make informed decisions, learn new things, get to know others as well as ourselves, and SO much more. In our current …

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Topics:Parental EngagementtipNotificationsemailTips & Tricks

by Bloomz, on May 18, 2015 3:45:13 AM

If you were to ask me what the most underrated feature is on the Bloomz app I would say hands down- Groups. As educators, we get so caught up in …

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Topics:OrganizeGroupsStrategiesTips & Trickstime saving

by Bloomz, on Apr 20, 2015 10:19:50 PM

There are countless research articles out there that indicate visual cues help us remember information. In fact, we process visual information 60,000 times faster than text. There are fun quizzes …

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Topics:uploading profile picturephotossocial mediatipteachereducationTips & Tricksparent