Bloomz Blog


Teachers: Download Your Printable Mystery Monsterz Cards & Poster!

by Nikhil Misra, on Sep 7, 2018 10:57:03 AM

btsline2Are you decorating your classroom for the new school year? Save a space on your wall for a great poster and check out the trading cards of these little critters, too. These continue to be popular among both teachers and students.

To help you build excitement around good behavior in your classroom, we’ve created these printable posters and cards for you to display and distribute:




Mystery Monsterz Trading Cards

  1. Download this file and print it
  2. Post on your classroom wall so kids can see it
  3. Download the cards (print on both sides)
  4. Cut out the cards to distribute among your students
  5. Give the cards out as your students earn behavior points or hatch their monsters

The poster familiarizes your students with Bloomz' Mystery Monsterz by showcasing different monsters by type, and breaking down their individual characteristics. The printable cards provide your students with a tangible reward to complement what they see on the Bloomz app, and continue to build engagement and good behavior by allowing students to begin collecting the monsters they’ve hatched.

Once they have collected several cards, they can begin trading them with other students in the classroom at recess or another specific time. This gives kids a chance to use some math and problem solving skills to decide which cards they would like to trade.

Suggestions on how you can use these materials in your classroom:

  • Positive reinforcement: distribute trading cards as educational rewards. Try encouraging your students to be lookouts for their fellow classmates exhibiting positive behavior, and they get to reward the cards to their classmates.
  • Using cards as a math exercise. Organize cards and encourage students to trade based on rules, depending on what math topic they are learning- addition, subtraction, etc.
  • Collect cards in a fishbowl and any time a student exhibits a supported behavior or takes on a challenge, have them fish out a card at random as a reward.
  • Add this poster to your other ‘good behavior’ reminders for students to refer to.
  • Reward students with trading cards respective to what behavior character they’ve hatched.

Can you think of other ways teachers could use these in the classroom? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Topics:BehaviorAnnouncementsMystery MonsterzBehavior TrackingTips & Tricks