Bloomz Blog


by Brianna Richard, on Jul 21, 2021 12:04:22 PM

The summer is rapidly coming to a close and the school year is upon us. Last year, Covid created an atmosphere that was anything but ordinary. This leaves us with …

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Topics:Community SupportPTA

by Brianna Richard, on Jul 14, 2021 3:10:26 PM

The old adage, “It takes a village to raise a child,” rings true to every aspect of a child’s life, including a child’s education. The education of children is a …

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Topics:Parental EngagementPTA

by Brianna Richard, on Jul 6, 2021 4:09:09 PM

All students deserve an advocate. Whether that advocate is a family member, educator, or member of the school community, students need a voice and support. Being a part of the …

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by Brianna Richard, on Jul 1, 2021 11:47:21 AM

Teachers, administration, families, and the PTA all have a common goal, to support student success. There are many strategies to assist students to become successful and reach their full potential …

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Topics:Parental EngagementStudent SuccessPTA

by Brianna Richard, on Jun 23, 2021 5:24:24 PM

Each year the PTA builds successful partnerships amongst families and schools. According to the National PTA, the foundation to this partnership begins with the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships and …

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Topics:Back to SchoolFamily ContactPTA

by Crystal Gammon, on Jun 22, 2021 5:45:02 PM

Every school relies on communication to engage families. Likewise, your school depends on the PTA to encourage family participation. Bloomz can help your PTA or PTO use communication to increase …

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Topics:school communicationPTA

by Jude Miqueli, on Aug 11, 2017 9:36:05 PM

I interviewed a parent who has been part of the PTA since her child was in kindergarten. It was bittersweet for her to share that this is the last year …

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Topics:Parental EngagementParent AssociationGuest PostParentingPTA