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Meet Our Amazing Ambassadors

Bloomz Ambassadors engage and support new and interested customers to understand and utilize Bloomz, creating the conditions for more connected relationships and communication in the Bloomz community. You can reach out to Ambassadors and ask them questions about implementing Bloomz in your school or classroom. They will be happy to help!

Brian Albrecht   Beth Baker2   Balderson   bishop-new
Brian Albrecht   Beth Baker   Stephanie Balderson   Vicki Bishop
Chandler   Amy Demicco   Heather Emerson   Fennal
Kristy Chandler   Amy Demicco   Heather Emerson   Ms. Fennel
Foster   Goldberg   Grisier   King
Dannelle Foster   Carla Goldberg   Tara Grisier   Jessica King
JoDee Lanari   Danielle McColl   Kristin Nuñez   Christelle Pastels
JoDee Lanari   Danielle McColl   Kristen Nunez   Christelle Pastels
Melissa Pockl   Tim Price   Juli Roach Adjusted   Rochelle Simon-Shipman
Melissa Pockl - OH   Tim Price - CA   Juli Roach - NC   Rochelle Simon-Shipman - TX
lauren-new   Jennifer Thompson   Wendy Varady   Greta Belez
Lauren Team - TN   Jennifer Thompson - OH   Wendy Varady - IL   Greta Valez - NV
Heather V.   Tamicka Walker   Erin Wermers   Erin Yabarra
Heather Von Merveldt - KS   Tamicka Walker - SC   Erin Wermers - WI   Erin Ybarra - KS
Erika Patterson-1   Angie Smith   Anne Timbs   Rebecca Weems-1
Erika Patterson - TN   Angie Smith - TN   Anne Timbs - TN   Rebecca Weems - TN
Nicole Williams-1            
Nicole Williams - FL            

Interested in Becoming a Bloomz Ambassador?

Do you love Bloomz so much you’re always telling other educators about it? Are you excited about increasing parental engagement at schools and helping other teachers better communicate with parents? Then you should become a Bloomz Ambassador! The Bloomz Ambassador Program was created to provide Positive Leadership Opportunities for Bloomz Champions, empowering and encouraging our loyal community to create peer-to-peer awareness and usage of Bloomz. The new Ambassador Program is designed to elevate and provide you with leadership experiences to support and inspire the use of Bloomz as the most effective parent communication app.

Do you know someone who would be a great Ambassador for Bloomz? Please share this page with them!

To Become an Ambassador, please let us know more about yourself by filling out this contact form. We will be in touch and look forward to you being a part of the team.     

Can’t wait to receive response? Join the teacher-led Bloomz Teachers Facebook Group to share your ideas and strategies for using Bloomz with your class parents.

Bloomz Ambassadors are Recognized Leaders:

- Bloomz Ambassador welcome package
- Posted personal photo with activity notification of Bloomz engagement
- Access to open & safe dialog for product and feature feedback in the Ambassador Community
- Support for a rich, positive and loyal community
- Priority invitation to Bloomz training webinars in order to boost your continued user knowledge
- Early access to product news and features
- Direct access to the Bloomz team
- Opportunity to collaborate and support other passionate educators
- Participate in team activities and engagement

Bloomz Ambassadors can serve in various capacities to build career skills & support the Bloomz community.:

- Autonomy to actively support & lead with Bloomz
- Priority invitation to engage and participate in Bloomz Professional Development sessions or conference presentations
- Convey internal request for participation in #BloomzChat on Twitter
- Provide opportunities and resources to influence awareness around Bloomz
- Encourage your voice as a reference for select media opportunities
- Support leadership skills with options to write creative blog posts during the year
- Advocate and support new and interested users
- Granted access to support customers in Facebook Group