Bring your data into Bloomz directly from your SIS or LMS through one of our many available integrations
Parents are automatically added to your distribution list at import. No more waiting for them to join! Students and Staff can single sign-on with no passwords to remember
Our team will help you set your roster once and it will stay in sync with your SIS or LMS
With Bloomz you can import all important data including students and parents name and contact information, and even preferred language.
Deep integrations offer auto-notice capabilities (coming soon) without the need to write custom data scripts.
Imported rosters are kept in sync to avoid duplicates automatically or on demand.
Seamless integrations with many SIS and LMS for easy onboarding and management.
Bloomz supports 3 types of integrations to meet your SIS and needs:
Integrates with all your Google Apps (Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Meet, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Chrome).
Instant plug and play with your Google Apps for seamless rostering, SSO, calendar sync, document sharing, and virtual meetings.
PO Box 6
Redmond, WA 98074