Bloomz has the Student Portfolio available to hold all of the students information that is accessible by teachers & parents and even students can have access when the teacher allows this feature in students permissions.
Bloomz makes it easy for administrators to instantly analyze or monitor data and make it actionable with optional reports (available when corresponding feature is enabled). Administrators have four easy accessible reports in Bloomz to access for data analyzation depending on what features are purchased and used in the community. Administrators access these reports at the district or school level in the Reports tab of Bloomz.
Individual Account Access: Greater access to student portfolio with classroom access of posts, events, behavior and ability to message teacher.
Shared Account Access: Limited access to student portfolios with ability to submit work and view teacher posts.
No Student Access: No Student access to student portfolios
Bloomz adapts to you. Use it on a smartphone (Android, iOS phones), all major browsers on computer(Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer), chromebooks, or tablet. Simply download the app on your phone or tablet to login and set up the account. Or log on to to log in from a computer.The Bloomz app is used by millions of people and is dedicated to the on-the-go educator and parent. The Bloomz app is available on any smartphone and single sign-on device utilizing the app for access.
Individual Account Access: Students can set up & access their account with the Student Specific Access Codes or the Common Class Codes.
Student Specific Code- When students enter the student specific code, they are prompted to create an account with a password. Student will log in with email & password. Parents will be notified of student account access and will need to approve for children under 14 years of age. Teacher can also approve student account access if the parent is unable to.
Common Class Code: When students enter the student specific code, they are prompted to create an account with their name & password. They will receive an email to verify their email address. Student will log in with email & password. Parents will be notified of student account access and will need to approve for children under 14 years of age. Teacher can also approve student account access if the parent is unable to.
Shared Account Access: Students can access their account with QR Code or Individual Student Access Codes, no log in or password needed.
QR Code Access: Students will scan the QR code and choose their name from the class list to see Admin & Teacher posts and post to their portfolio.
Student Code Access: Students will enter the student access code and choose their name from the class list to see Admin & Teacher posts and post to their portfolio. Note: Teachers need to be available to support students choosing the correct account from the class list to submit an item to the student portfolio.
Individual Account Portfolio Submission: Students will access their account by logging in with their email & password to submit to their individual portfolio. Students with Individual Account Access can access these features: Class Feed, Calendar, Media, Assignments, Portfolio & PBIS/SEL Interactions Awards & Messaging.
Student can easily submit assignments & communications to their portfolio and add: Media, Audio, and Files. These posts will be viewed by the teacher and share with the family for greater connection to encourage students learning, progress & growth.
Shared Account Portfolio Submissions: Students will access their account with QR Code or Individual Student Access Codes; choose their name/account and submit to their portfolio
Student can easily submit assignments & communications to their portfolio and add: These posts will be viewed by the teacher and share with the family for greater connection to encourage students learning, progress & growth.
The teacher will get notification regarding a portfolio submission from the student and will need to manually approve or discard that post/submission from the student via the notification area with the Bell icon.
Bloomz provides you with the advantage of student engagement for more empowered learning & responsibility with safe communication with the teacher and parent in their growth and progress in the classroom.
Only with the Individual Account Access can students message their teachers and administration to keep communication open and get support when needed in a safe space with Bloomz. With the capabilities to message the staff, students can post photos and files into their messages for immediate help with assignments or to get more information on events and activities at school.
PO Box 6
Redmond, WA 98074