We wanted to reach out and let you know that we have an exciting new Bloomz feature, the Homepage News Widget. Now you can simultaneously push news and reminders through text messages AND display them prominently on your school or district's homepage.
The RSS settings can be found in the school settings window, under the Features tab.
To get there, follow these steps:
1.) Select the School or District that you would like to configure.
2.) Click on the Settings icon to open the desired School/District Settings Panel.
3.) Select the Features tab.
RSS Feed
The RSS Feed link is generally used with an RSS Reader, News Aggregator, or a website plugin designed specifically for processing and displaying an RSS Feed. To configure, simply copy and paste the entire RSS Feed URL into your reader software to begin displaying any content published to the school's RSS Feed.
RSS Widget Link
The RSS Widget Link is typically used with an RSS website widget designed for processing an HTML version of the RSS Feed. To configure, simply copy and paste the entire RSS Widget Link URL into your website or Content Management System (CMS) widget to begin displaying any content published to the school's RSS Feed.
RSS Widget Embed Code
The RSS Widget Embed Code is used in place of a widget on a website or Content Management System (CMS) to embed a school's RSS Feed. I will generate all the HTML necessary to display the RSS Feed.
To configure, simply copy and paste the entire RSS Widget Embed Code into your website or Content Management System (CMS) HTML widget to begin displaying any content published to the school's RSS Feed.
NOTE: It is also possible to adjust the height and width of the embedded RSS Feed window simply by adjusting the following height and width elements in the embed code string.
Once you've embedded the code in your Content Management System (CMS), items posted to the RSS feed should begin showing on your website immediately as illustrated below:
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